A lot of people fall victim to buying a product on impulse when something new or shiny catches their eye. Do any of these sound familiar?
“OH, look at these heels. I don’t care how bad they’ll hurt my feet, I MUST have them!”
“25% off this flat screen TV? I already have 4, but it’s a steal!”
“These earrings are so sparkly! I’ll just split the cost between two credit cards.”
Sure, it seems like the right decision at the time, but ask yourself this: "Do I really need it?" Most of the time that "must have" product gets pushed aside or stored away in the closet with the other things bought on a whim.
But when someone buys an animal on impulse, it becomes a different situation. You simply cannot tuck away a puppy or kitten just because it gets bigger, or decides it wants to eat or claw up your furniture.
Phase 1: "Oh my God, it’s SO cute and fluffy. I want it now!!”
Phase 1: "Oh my God, it’s SO cute and fluffy. I want it now!!”
[Yes, I too fall victim to the cuteness, BUT I didn't buy them! I'm one of the biggest animal lovers ever, so if I can resist, so can you! ] |
[Baby guinea pigs] |
The second these animals grow up or cause problems: BOOM, unwanted.
Phase 3: "How in the heck can I get rid of this pain in the @$$?"
In the past, I’ve adopted an array of pets from various friends and individuals throughout the years simply because they get tired of caring for these animals. After taking 3 animals from one of my college friends because they got older (two mice and a bunny), she purchased a snugly baby hamster... (%$@!). When she was sick of it, she asked if I wanted it. I felt like I had to take a stand and decline. Well, she ended up tossing the hamster outside to die. I felt awful, but it was too late, and I simply couldn't take in anymore pets.
I believe before anyone decides to adopt or purchase an animal, they should take a few days to consider all the possibilities of what could go wrong. Go to an animal shelter and try FOSTERING an animal before making a rash decision. By fostering a cat or dog it enables you to see what issues may arise and if there's things you cannot handle, simply return them! Also, do some research on the type of pet you want. Reading up on the pros and cons can definitely help aid in making a decision.
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